Health & Wellness Therapies
Get to know the language of your body
INDIGO Biofeedback Therapy
The Indigo Biofeedback System is an FDA approved system for measuring and monitoring levels of stress in the body. The human body is always exposed to various levels of stress, such as environmental, emotional, physical, and variable stress factors. It is depending on how the body responds to these levels of stress, which can manifest a physical/emotional reaction. The Biofeedback system is a highly sensitive system design to measure the subtle changes of the body as well as the ability to retrain the body to find balance, utilizing galvanic frequencies, EEG, ECG,& EMG. Biofeedback therapy is a tool used to educate the client on the body’s response to stress and the factors involved in development of symptoms.
Biofeedback is recommended in managing symptoms in conditions such as: Depression, Chronic Pain management, Nervous system, Muscle retraining, Anxiety attacks, Gastric problems, Metabolic dysfunction, Stress derived behavioral problems, Enhanced learning, and much more.
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Eyes are windows to the soul, and our well-being
What do your eyes say about you?
Iridology is a holistic/ alternative modality of analyzing the body through the Iris. First Discovered by Dr. Ignatz von Peczely a Hungarian scientist, Physician, and Homeopath who observed the changes in the eyes of animals after suffering trauma. These observations sparked curiosity in Dr. Ignatz von Peczely to further study the effects and markings in the eye. Inspiring other practitioners to further the field, most notably by Dr. Bernard Jensen who modernized Irigology and after over 60 years of researched created the modern day method of Iridology. His teachings continue to inspire curiosity into the interconnection between the body and the Iris.
What can Iridology teach us?
According to Iridology, the iris can show trauma to the body, deficiencies, toxicity, and inflammation. This is a tool that we use here at Bell Holistic Center to better guide our clients to meet their health goals. By observing the formation/markings of the Iris we can get a better picture at what the body needs. Along with diet and lifestyle changes Iridology can be a great tool to bring about positive changes.
Note: Iridology does not diagnose and cannot be used to detect illness.
About an Iridology consultation
Iridology consultations is between 30-45 min. It is a non invasive consultation, without any physical contact to the eye or the use of any mechanical equipment. Here at Bell Holistic Center we let our trained practitioners make their observations without depending on an electrical machine to analyze the eye. Iridology is not an exact science and may need further understanding of the individual to get better results, this is why we believe that a personal approach is best. We do this by observing the eye through a magnifying glass and a non damaging LED light to mark our findings. After making notes we then discuss the findings with our client to better understand why those specific areas require support. Creating a nutrition plan, herbs, homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies and if necessary lifestyle changes or other forms of therapy.
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Help the body Heal
Early bottles of Homeopathy dating to the early 1900s
Homeopathic remedies are used in a wide range of health concerns, in conditions such as: Skin problems, gastric problems such as IBS, Constipation, Nervousness, Insomnia, Pain management, Stings and bites, Lower inflammation, Weight loss/ Weight management, Immune system, Allergies, and much more.
Homeopathic consultation is similar to an interview, talking about the range of symptoms, environmental factors and emotional response. This consultation can last from 30min to 1hour, while our practitioner takes notes and makes the best recommendation.
Homeopathy Consultation
What are Homeopathic remedies?
Homeopathic Medicine originated in the early 1800s by a German doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who developed the classical homeopathic law of Like cures Like. Developing remedies that would help the body heal through a process of introducing a very diluted form of the active ingredient to the body which would help the body heal on its own. In the early days of Medicine, the USA adopted the Homeopathic method of healing and created Homeopathic Hospitals, treating all kinds of diseases and health problems of the time. Homeopathic remedies continue to this day and are available over the counter and in most health foods stores, and even in some pharmacies. Its been over 200 years and Homeopathy continues to thrive as a none habit, no side effect, and less harsh option to pharmaceutical medicine. Homeopathic should not take the place of traditional, prescribed medication but it can help manage symptoms and in some cases help the body heal. Here at Bell Holistic Center, we consult our clients to best guide them and recommend homeopathic remedies.
The personal approach to consultation
When it comes to Homeopathic remedies its not just about the symptoms but also about the persons state of mind and emotional response. Understanding the personal environment and emotional stimulus that can drive the symptom is key in understanding the right Homeopathic remedy. This is why here at Bell Holistic Center we take a personal approach to our consultation to further understand the individual. With over 100 different homeopathic here at our office we probably have the one you need, if not we can always order it.
The nose knows
How can Aromatherapy help you
What is Aromatherapy?
The Senses provide us with information about the world around us. Although many times we do not present great attention, the sense of smell is very powerful. And it has been discovered that the sense of smell is directly connected to the limbic system, the part of the human brain that controls emotions and also has important functions related to memory.
We perceive an odor when aromatic molecules penetrate the nasal cavity stimulate the nerve terminals responsible for detecting odors. These terminals convert the influx of aromatic molecules into nerve impulses and send them to the limbic system where, depending on which they stimulate memories. For example when we smell food and remind us of moments, memories, and specific situations, as if it were a point in time that we open instantly.
In addition to working through smell, aromatherapy is used directly on the skin. Using the essential oils directly, or with lotions, massage oils, or as specific points to send signals directly to the system using acupressure points. For the reason that the essential PURE oils are composed of extremely small molecules that penetrate easily through the skin reaching the blood. Several studies have been carried out in which it has been found that some aromas can calm the claustrophobic sensation that some people feel in elevators. It has also been studied how certain scents can improve productivity at work. And just as are the topical remedies of essential oils to improve the skin, for cuts and infections of the skin. The uses of Aromatherapy are endless and there has been continued studies to desipher the curative properties of Pure Essential oils.
Warning: Aromatherapy is very complex. Each person responds differently to the various methods of aromatherapy. And the essential oils, although they are simple natural and pure products of a single plant, in reality they are very complex and powerful substances that must be used with great care, knowledge and experience.
Topical use of Essential oils in Aromatherapy
Its important to note that most oils should not be applied directly on the skin without testing the sensitivity of your skin to that particular essential oil. Most oils should be diluted before applying directly on the skin, being safe and around essential oils is key to obtaining their benefit. Here at Bell Holistic Center we offer classes and educational material to further understand the benefits and uses of Aromatherapy. Using Aromatherapy and applying it on the skin can be a very direct way of obtaining all of the benefits of essential oils, due to the highly concentrated and small molecules of essential oils, they can penetrate through the skin and reach the capillaries or small blood vessels under the skin, this allows the small particles to travel through the bloodstream and transfer its beneficial properties to the body. I like to point out that any substance that is applied to the skin and absorbed can easily travel to the bloodstream, this is not exclusive to essential oils but also harsh chemicals from shampoos, lotions, powders, makeup and many others. This is why its important to find natural and less harsh alternatives to anything that is applied to the skin (even cleaning solutions). Topical Essential oils are used to help restore skin elasticity, hydrate, clear out bacteria, relax muscles, relieve pain, and much more.
Visit our online store to find some of our favorite Aromatherapy lotions and creams
The term psychoaromatherapy is used to describe the psychotherapeutic benefits of essential oils, derived mainly from inhalation but also from other methods of application. In Psychoaromatherapy, the way in which the aromas of plants influence moods and emotions is studied. For example, the effect of inducing certain moods, such as relaxation or, on the contrary, by its energetic and stimulating effect. With the healing and relaxing effect of what essential essences are, they are adequate tools for the positive support of bad emotions and all the harmful effects they cause. Due to the direct connection between the Olfactory sensor and the Limbic System, Aromatherapy can be an effective therapy to balance emotional response. The benefits of Aromatherapy in a Psychotherapy session have proven to benefit emotional release and control. The benefits can be amplified by utilizing a cold vapor defuser, around home and office to improve productivity, relaxation, and have an overall sense of well being. Here at Bell Holistic Center we utilize Psychoaromatherapy to enhance the benefits of emotional release during our sessions and we teach our clients how best to use Essential oils.
Book your Aromatherapy session today and learn about our classes
Essential oils are powerful substances that benefit the body in multiple ways